Aviva tackling numbers goes from strength to strength
The programme is all about making learning about numbers and basic financial literacy fun, exciting and rewarding, through combining interactive classroom maths sessions with practical, number-based rugby games. In association with the 12 Premiership Rugby clubs across England and available to download for free online, the programme helps seven to nine-year-olds put foundations in place for better financial skills later in life.
Since the start of Aviva Tackling Numbers, the programme has:
• Been delivered In 444 primary schools across the country
• Helped 21, 687 Key Stage 2 children improve their maths skills
• Educated 601 teachers through workshops and mentoring to deliver tag-rugby sessions
Feedback from the first year has proved what a massive success Aviva Tackling Numbers has been:
• After taking part in Aviva Tackling Numbers an extra 20% of children described themselves as “really confident in maths”
• 83% of parents have seen an increased awareness of the importance of maths in everyday life for their child
• 91% of teachers would recommend Aviva Tackling Numbers
• 80% of teachers rated the programme effective in teaching national curriculum numeracy
• 70% of parents say that their child’s enjoyment of physical activity has increased
• 26% increase in the proportion of children who do a lot of sport outside of school compared to before the programme
• 73% of teachers will continue to use the Aviva Tackling Numbers resources in the future
Other highlights include being awarded the PFEG (Personal Finance Education Group) quality mark after an independent assessment by the UK’s leading financial education charity and setting a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title at last season’s Aviva Premiership Rugby final at Twickenham as 323 children took part in the world’s longest human representation of a mathematical equation on the pitch.
In September last year, the programme held a celebration event at the Houses of Parliament. Invited guests included Nicky Morgan, Secretary of State for Education, John Whittingdale, Secretary of State for Culture, Media, Sport, and Tracey Crouch, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Sport.
To put your maths to the test and find out more about the Aviva Tackling Numbers programme [CLICK HERE][1].
[1]: http://www.aviva.co.uk/tacklingnumbers