Build your business with Newcastle Falcons

Friday 10 May 2019 Written by: Adam

The main outcomes we focus on are building brand awareness, finding new customers, providing quality hospitality opportunities where business relationships can be forged, linking businesses to our charitable foundation for CSR purposes and supporting businesses in motivating or rewarding their employees.

How are we able to achieve this?

Simply because of the connections we have in the local market place.

Our average attendance this season was almost 10,000, over 600 business individuals took hospitality at every home game and we are linked to over 1,000 businesses.

More than 600,000 individuals use our conference/events centre each year, we have extensive consumer and business databases and our social media channels have more than 100,000 followers.

If you would like to discuss how we might be able to assist you to grow your business, please contact our corporate sales team on 0191 214 2892 or **** .