Club Connections Club of the Month: Ryton RUFC
Ryton RFC have been recognised for hosting our October half-term coaching camps and receiving cash-back as a result, actively working with the Falcons Community and Gateshead SSP to encourage players to the club, hosting local schools festivals with help from Falcons Community and Gateshead SSP, and regularly attending match-day festivals.
Our Club Connections programme aims to make our community clubs stronger by supporting elements both on and off the pitch.
Club Connections is powered by Fusion for Business (FFB), committed to helping sports clubs become more energy efficient through a range of costs and carbon savings. These savings can create a new recurring revenue stream, boosting longevity of grassroots sports for our next generation and beyond.
**Fusion for Business Ryton RFC Success Story**
**Challenge:** Ryton RFC did not feel confident in their energy contracts put in place by a former energy partner, so they reached out to FFB to help.
**Solutions:** Following a consultation, FFB offered their ‘TODAY’ Energy Management solution to Ryton RFC, of which they identified considerable savings through advanced procurement. FFB have now successfully locked in their gas and electric prices until 2017. Ryton RFC have also been proactive, referring FFB to businesses within their club network, and have earned a commission from FFB to invest back onto the club to help with the funding of improvements like the new bar and patio area. FFB have also sponsored the club £1,000.
**Results:** £3,000 worth of savings identified through our ‘TODAY’ Energy Management solutions. £2,500 earned by referring FFB.