Doddie dinner sold out
All 400 tickets for the dinner on November 2 at Kingston Park Stadium have been snapped up as a host of international rugby legends convene to raise funds for the newly-formed Doddie Weir’5 Discretionary Trust, following his recent diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease.
Doddie Weir’5 Discretionary Trust has the dual aim of offering practical help to make sure Doddie has the independence to live his life as fully as possible in the months and years ahead, as well as raising awareness of the currently-incurable disease.
Newcastle Falcons are grateful to those who have already shown such incredible support, and there are further opportunities to get involved via the auction and raffle.
Items are being sought for both, with interested parties asked to email **amy.kirsopp@newcastle-falcons.co.uk** with details of their item. Any donated items are much appreciated.
Alternatively, donations to Doddie Weir’5 Trust can be made directly via [**the official Doddie’5 Trust website**.][1]
[1]: https://www.doddieweir5trust.co.uk/donate