Falcons announce new health and wellbeing programme
Starting on March 24, the six-week practical block runs every Wednesday between 6.30pm and 7.30pm, with theory sessions on Mondays regarding healthy lifestyle, healthy eating, healthy food swaps and how to make small adjustments to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Initially online for a minimum of three weeks while we monitor the situation, the aim is to move the practical sessions to an outdoor venue when it is safe to do so.
For the online practical sessions participants will need suitable clothing for exercise, a water bottle and an area within the house where they can freely move around.
The session will last around 45-60 minutes, with activity suitable for all levels of ability, and at each individual’s pace.
Within the sessions there will be an assortment of exercises and body weight movements covering mobility, circuit-style training, strength training and aerobic activities, all delivered at each individual’s pace.
The cost for the six-week block is £20, with individual sessions available for £3.50. To book, [**click here.**][1]
Season ticket members can access this at a cost of just £10 by using the ‘credit’ option. To do this, please email **gavin.beasley@newcastle-falcons.co.uk** .
[1]: http://www.rugbycamps.co.uk/falcons