Falcons Community Champion of the Month

Tuesday 25 April 2023 Written by: Adam

Falcons Community is delighted to announce their Champion of the Month is John Davidson from Alnwick RFC.

John has been a member of Alnwick RFC for over 20 years taking on various significant roles within the club, from player, coach and currently a chair of their Minis and Juniors. John has been praised for helping considerably grow their Minis and Junior section.

Alnwick RFC currently has a thriving women’s team, touch rugby and girl’s squad. John has been credited for assisting with the coaching and coach development within all these sections.

John dedicates a lot of time to his club, from running after-school rugby sessions at the local high schools to taster sessions and tournaments at a large number of primary schools across the region.

Additionally, John has helped organise a wide range of fundraising activities from the club including selling Christmas trees, planting hedges, selling hot dogs and burgers to some more novel ways of fundraising. John was really proud to wear the Alnwick RFC playing shirt, and now is just as proud working tirelessly to develop future generations of players.

Alnwick RFC are active members of our Club Connections programme, from attending match-day festivals to hosting coaching camps. Our Club Connections programme aims to help make the community clubs stronger, on and offer the pitch.

The programme is sponsored by Fusion for Business (FFB) who help support clubs on their journey to achieve Net Zero through a range of programmes. Their solutions comprise of a series of debt-free, risk-free, cost, carbon and energy-saving measures.

For more information about Fusion for Business and how they could help your club, please contact maisie.cole@fusionforbusiness.co.uk .

For more information about our Club Connections programme, please contact falconscommunity@newcastle-falcons.co.uk.