Falcons Community Foundation has a new SIDEKICK!

Thursday 24 October 2013 Written by: Adam

The Falcons Community Foundation has never been a team to just sit back and take our good luck for granted – we like to work hard at our rugby and at our business. With thousands of committed fans supporting us each week, we like to give something back as often as we can.

Our latest venture is the SIDEKICK Community.

SIDEKICK is a stationery company with an amazingly simple new concept. Any business partner of the Falcons Community Foundation who purchases consistently with SIDEKICK, has their annual spend tracked. Once this spend reaches a pre-established amount, SIDEKICK gives a percentage of that money back to the Foundation.

SIDEKICK would like to be the ones to tell you more so will be contacting many of our supporters directly in the near future… and if you’re heading to one of the Falcons’ match day hospitality suites at the London Irish game this Sunday, look out for something extra special on your table! It’ll help you to connect to one of the fastest growing Business Communities in the North East.

Thank you for your support and we hope to see you at Kingston Park on Sunday!

Become a business partner to the Falcons Community Foundation and we’ll give you a SIDEKICK Favourites Box, filled with fabulous free stationery and chocolates worth up to £50.

Match day hospitality for Sunday’s game is still available from Newcastle Falcons. Please contact the Corporate Sales team on 0191 214 2892.

*Limited to one gift box per company. Terms and conditions apply.