Falcons face the strongman challenge
Five of Newcastle Falcons’ Senior Academy squad took on the team from Spartan Performance Gym in a Strongman Challenge at least week’s Shotley Bridge family fun day.
Joining hundreds of people to enjoy a host of activities at the free fun day event Glen Young, Brian Tuilagi, Will Witty, David Nelson and Jake Ellwood took on the Spartan team across five challenges.
The competition was close, with the Falcons team winning the standing sled pull and carry medley, which saw the teams carry 60-100kg each over almost 30m.
The Spartan team won the barbell clean and press and farmers walk challenges, going on to take the overall victory after triumphing in the back squat challenge by just seven reps.
Falcons Academy and Scotland Under 20s forward Glen Young said: “The competition was a great challenge and the boys really tried their best on the day. The events were really tough, especially that last relay when we were all exhausted, but credit to the Spartan lads for an excellent competition!”
Newcastle Falcons took part in the Shotley Bridge family fun day as part of their relationship with Consett Rugby Club, members of the Falcons Club Connections programme.
Club Connections offers local clubs an opportunity to work closely with the Falcons throughout the rugby season. Visit our [Community][1] pages or contact Newcastle Falcons Community Foundation for more information.
[1]: http://www.newcastlefalcons.co.uk/Pages/Community/Overview