Monday 16 June 2014 Written by: Adam

Run in conjunction with learning provider InnovEd, the scheme is a Level 2 Apprenticeship qualification with multiple parts.

Specifically designed to be flexible around the schools involved, the programme comprises of an average of one day a week of academic training, and four days a week of on the job learning in a school.

Running over 12 months from October 2014 apprentices will be employed under their employing school’s HR terms, providing even greater flexibility in specifying what the school needs from their sports apprentice.

With year one of the scheme now almost complete 18 apprentices from the local area are on track to reach level 2 by October.

Josh Cameron, apprentice coach with the Falcons Community Foundation is one of those involved in the programme. Josh said: “The apprenticeship has been a great experience and just what I expected. My working time is spent with the Community Foundation and I’ve already become part of the family there.

“I’ve already gained a lot of experience alongside the qualifications and I should complete my Level 2 qualification as planned this Autumn, ready to start the Level 3 and from there, hopefully head to university to study for my long-term goal of becoming a PE teacher.”

We’re now recruiting schools to become involved with the second cohort of the programme, with job adverts to be published via the National Apprenticeship Service website once apprenticeship positions are finalised, The website can be found [here][1]

Read on to find out more about the programme and why you should get involved.

Why would a school take on an apprentice?

• It’s a cost effective way of bringing in a well-trained member of staff who has developed within the school environment
• It increases capacity for your school to deliver specialist PE and games sessions
• The school will be supporting the continued development of a young person, assisting them in their career development and providing an environment in which they can blossom
• You will be doing your bit to help develop a skilled workforce for the future
• You are helping to provide a unique learning environment for an apprentice with career aspirations in teaching
• The scheme provides a number of great PR opportunities for the school

As a result of their involvement in the programme, our employer schools have reported a number of benefits, including:
• Improvements to school performance
• Improvements to their provision to students
• An enhanced reputation for the school

The Apprenticeship Framework comprises a package of training programmes. A Level 2 apprentice working as a school apprentice would typically have the following training packages.
• Level 2 award in Employment Awareness (ERR)
• Competency – NVQ Level 2 Activity Leadership
• Knowledge – Certificate in Supporting Learning in PE and School Sport
• Functional Skills – English and Maths (Level 1)

The majority of learning is “on the job” with a teacher acting as a mentor. The external involvement for the Apprentice is;
• Attend 40 tutor days at a central venue, across the year.
• Ring in to conference calls every two weeks.
• Have monthly assessment / mentoring visits in the workplace.
• Complete three folders.

If you are interested in taking on an apprentice, or have any further questions, please contact [emily.oconnor@newcastle-falcons.co.uk][2] or call 0191 214 2866.

[1]: http://www.apprenticeships.org.uk
[2]: http://mailto:%20emilyoconnor@newcastle-falcons.co.uk