Monday 28 April 2014 Written by: Adam

The offers still apply for groups of 15+ with prices starting at as little as £5 for juniors. The following experience and fundraising packages are available but time is running out as limited places are available:-

Dream Team
This is your chance for 15 youngsters to run out with the team and have your photograph taken. Why not reward your club/school team at the end of the season.

Half-time Game
A fantastic opportunity for youngsters to play on the Kingston Park pitch at half-time of the Aviva Premiership match.

Charity Cash Back Offer
This scheme is a great way for teams to raise funds while having a great day out at the Falcons.

In addition to the above offers there will be an array of activities taking place on the day including the Flock swap shop, face painting, balloon modellers and a veterans 7s game pre-match.

There will also be a Club Connections event before the fixture for clubs wanting to know more about what we have in store for you next season. The event will give you an overview of this new programme which will be our main focus for working with rugby clubs going forward. The Community Foundation will do more with the clubs in the Connections Programme to establish better links that deliver real benefits. Rugby clubs will enjoy player visits, Club Development Evenings, priority booking for festivals and CPD events, discount on tickets, events and kit and signed items for raffles. Not only that, the clubs involved in the scheme will be able to offer free season tickets to under-15s.

For more information on club connections, group packages or joining the Flock please contact [][1] or [][2] or contact the community team on 0191 214 2866.
