Last chance to sign up for business summer touch
Newcastle Falcons have a few places remaining on their business summer touch rugby programme.
The programme, run in partnership with Sportivate, Tyne & Wear Sport and Northumberland Sport provides a block of six weekly touch rugby training sessions, the first two of which are completely FREE of charge while the following four cost a nominal £1 per person, per session.
Sessions will take place in the immediate vicinity of your workplace wherever you can recommend – be it parks, fields or even the car park – wherever gives you the quickest and most convenient access to rugby coaching.
The sessions are also flexible around your schedule and can take place after normal working hours in the evening or over an extended lunch period – it’s completely up to you!
Your six sessions will take place through to September and businesses must be based in Northumberland or Tyne and Wear to qualify.
The taster sessions are a great way to introduce your workplace to sport and a fantastic team bonding exercise, all for minimal cost!
For further information please contact [gavin.beasley@newcastle-falcons.co.uk][1].
[1]: http://mailto:%20gavin.beasley@newcastle-falcons.co.uk