Move Like A Pro graduate inspires second wave of participants

Thursday 21 July 2016 Written by: Adam

Move Like A Pro is a 12-week programme aimed at men aged 35-55 who are looking for a return to physical activity, and Falcons fan Mark Orr has been given a fresh lease of life after putting himself forward.

Applications are currently open for the new intake, Mark giving people an idea of what to expect via his own video diary.

He said: “Move Like A Pro is a great experience and has defined what rugby is all about for me – fans coming together with one common goal, to enjoy the game.”

“I’ve been able to push my progress through Move Like A Pro. Having a set target each month can be difficult to reach while also juggling my video management and production work commitments, but the feeling that you get when you’re there is fantastic.

“It’s all about increasing your fitness and doing something enjoyable makes it so much better, as opposed to feeling like you have to do it. I have an ultimate goal of playing rugby in some form, whether that’s touch rugby or a full contact game, and I want to go as far as I can on this journey even beyond the programme.”

On his video diary, which can be viewed by [**clicking here**][1], he added: “I think it will help encourage people to try Move Like A Pro and help them relate to a bloke who’s gone and done this, as opposed to a celebrity.

“It helps that I’m passionate about rugby, which was a big draw to the programme for me. It seemed to fit in with what I was looking at doing anyway, but I needed to take it to the next level. Theory and nutrition has been a big part of the studies, not just constantly doing exercise, but getting the education in terms of dieting and knowing the sugars that go into alcohol and what you’re actually putting into your body.”

If you would like to follow in Mark’s footsteps and be part of this unique opportunity at Newcastle Falcons, email **** .
