Our Club Connections programme is back!

Thursday 08 April 2021 Written by: Adam

Falcons Community Club Connections is a programme aimed at engaging and supporting local rugby union clubs in a variety of ways, including coaching support, fundraising help, player visits, discounted match tickets and CPD.

A well-established programme, we have unfortunately had to take a break due to the impact of Covid, but with the roadmap to return to rugby in place we want to help our region’s clubs.

Our first event this season will be a virtual CPD hosted by Newcastle Rugby executive director Mick Hogan on Thursday April 15, and is aimed at assisting community clubs on ideas on how to (and how not to) approach sponsorship requests as clubs rebuild, inevitably under financial pressures.

As longstanding sponsors of Newcastle Falcons, we are delighted to welcome Steve McNicol, client services partner at Ward Hadaway, to join Mick.

The event on April 15 is open to all rugby union clubs (both existing and new) in Northumberland, Durham and Cumbria, and runs from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

We will be giving you more information on the Club Connections programme, and how to sign up free of charge for the 2021-22 season.

[**Click here**][1] to fill in the form to register. You will be sent the joining instructions once approved.

[1]: https://forms.gle/4apf5nHu1T6xtGDj8