Read Saturday’s free digital match programme
[**Click here to read or download the programme!**][1]
The 60-page edition includes an in-depth interview with the South African second-rower, who reveals all about his rugby journey.
On the occasion of the 250th Premiership rugby game at Kingston Park Stadium there is a special edition of Kingsley Hyland’s ‘All our yesterdays’ looking back at the first, 100th and 200th top-flight games to be held at the Falcons’ nest.
You can test your knowledge in our regular rugby quiz, get the lowdown on Bath, bone up on your Falcons player stats and hear the latest from the community team.
Mark Smith’s ‘From the press box’ column discusses the prospect of squad numbers in rugby, there’s the latest from the Northumberland Rugby Union, Dave Walder’s column, Premiership previews, Falcons player stats and much more, all completely FREE of charge.
[**Click here**][2] to read our online programme.
[**Click here**][3] to buy match tickets.