Tuesday 13 May 2014 Written by: Adam

The club is now in the process of communicating the results of our ticket ballot to all those who applied for the scheme.

The ballot, which was part of England 2015’s Priority Access programme, was available to all current Season Ticket Holders who renewed their season tickets for 2014-15 before the Early Bird deadline of 28 April.

The programme allowed entrants to purchase up to four tickets for Rugby World Cup games during the Priority Access purchase period.

Ticketing manager Andrew Robson said: “As we expected, take up for this programme has been high amongst our loyal supporters. Although this means that a number of the more high profile Twickenham-based games were oversubscribed, we have been able to offer all of those who applied for the ballot tickets to a Rugby World Cup game in 2015.”

Applicants to the club’s Priority Access ballot will receive an email from Newcastle Falcons within the next 24 hours outlining the next steps of the process and explaining how they can purchase their tickets for the Rugby World Cup 2015.

If you have not received your email by close of business on Wednesday, please contact **[][1].**
