Something To Chew On
The innovative programme has already educated nearly 15,000 seven and eight-year-old children about healthy eating and tackling the obesity epidemic across England, through tag rugby and classroom-based exercises.
The success of Something to Chew On has resulted in 98% of teachers recommending the programme to a colleague as it either “extremely” or “highly” enhanced the classroom experience.
This season, our community development officer Keith Robinson is running the Something To Chew On programme in areas around Carlisle.
**Something To Chew On stats:**
* 98% of teachers would recommend Something to Chew On to a colleague.
* Less than a quarter of children eat the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. Through Something to Chew On, we encourage children to be more active and eat more healthily.
* Up to 340 participating teachers trained in tag rugby delivery to create a legacy.
* 85% of children say they learned how to prepare food safely.
* 71% of parents said their child now enjoys playing sport more.
The programme incorporates one hour of classroom teaching on diet and health, food safety, food preparation and cooking. There is one hour of rugby, fitness and body movement on the field to motivate children to be active.
Our community coach, Keith Robinson, says: “The programme has been really well received by the schools, who relish any opportunity to vary their healthy lifestyle education. There is a huge emphasis on the messages in schools but often these are being put across in one similar way, Something to Chew on lets the kids learn in a much more interactive way and they react really well.”
**At Newcastle Falcons we’ll be visiting these schools:**
Morland C of E
Kirkby Thore
Temple Sowerby