Up to 1,750 fans to attend Northampton game

Saturday 08 May 2021 Written by: Adam

The 7.30pm kick-off is being used as a test event following approval from the local Safety Advisory Group.

Only the North, South and West Stands will be open on the night, with tickets available via a ballot to ensure the fairest opportunity to our loyal supporters to watch a game this season.

The ballot will open on the week commencing May 4, and by the end of that week all eligible supporters should have been emailed by the club. Please check your ‘junk’ folder if the email is not in your inbox.

Entry into the ballot does not guarantee a ticket due to the limited stadium capacity, with priority given to, in order:

* Season ticket members who chose the credit option by the deadline earlier this year.

* Match-by-match purchasers who chose the credit option by the deadline earlier this year.

* Fans who chose the credit option after the deadline.

Those who chose to donate their credit or contribute towards player sponsorships, as well as our seasonal corporate guests, will be contacted separately by the commercial sales team or community department.

Tickets will only go on general sale if there are any left unsold once all priority groups have been satisfied, and there will unfortunately be no tickets set aside specifically for away supporters.

Social distancing and other mitigation measures will be in force on match day, with further details to follow. A limited number of car parking spaces will also be available to buy.

Supporters are advised you MUST have an e-ticketing account to enter the ballot, regardless of whether or not you have credit. If you have chosen the credit option, your e-ticketing account will now show your credit amount, which you can use on your ballot tickets if successful.

[**Click here for an extensive ‘frequently asked questions’ article.**][1]

[**Click here for guidance on e-ticketing.**][2]

Before entering the ballot please read both of the above pages so that you fully understand how the process will work. If you still have any queries after reading these please email **tickets2@newcastle-falcons.co.uk** with your question and we will respond as soon as possible, or arrange a call back.

Supporters are advised that the Falcons are joining all other clubs in a social media boycott from 1500 on Friday April 30 until 2359 on Monday May 3, aimed at highlighting and preventing online abuse, so will not be replying to questions via our social media channels.

Newcastle Falcons would like to thank all of our supporters for their incredible backing and patience, and also the local Safety Advisory Group for their assistance in planning this test event.

Similar plans are envisaged for the Gallagher Premiership visit of Worcester Warriors on Saturday June 5, following a successful test event, with details of that to be communicated in due course.

[1]: https://www.eticketing.co.uk/newcastle-falcons/Common/CustomPage/Index/1
[2]: https://www.eticketing.co.uk/newcastle-falcons/Common/CustomPage/Index/2