Falcons HITZ head to the Commonwealth Games
HITZ Newcastle is one of the lucky groups invited to spend time in Glasgow soaking in the sights and sounds of the Commonwealth Games by award winning sports charity, Street Games.
Travelling to the games on its opening weekend HITZ participants will be at the iconic Ibrox Stadium for the Rugby Sevens event as well as staying at the fantastic Auchengillan Outdoor Education Centre, trying their hands at climbing, mountain biking, archery and many more activities.
Sam Shaw-Kew, HITZ Project Officer, commented: “This is a fantastic opportunity for our learners to experience so much – from seeing the International Sevens to spending a weekend camping in Scotland and trying new things, I don’t know who is more excited them or me!
“Not often does someone hand you a trip to one of the most recognisable international sports tournaments and provide a whole host of activities to go along with it, so we are incredibly grateful to Street Games and their partners for this opportunity.”
HITZ participants will be tweeting about their experience to find out how they are getting on follow @Falcons_HITZ and join #CampCWG.
Newcastle Falcons HITZ project is now recruiting for our programme starting on September 8th 2014, so if you or someone you know would benefit from experiences like this and gaining nationally recognised qualifications in Sport, Maths, English and ITC get in touch now, email [sam.shaw-kew@newcastle-falcons.co.uk][1] or call 0191 2142803.
For more information on Street Games visit their website at [www.streetgames.org][2].
[1]: http://mailto:%20sam.shaw-kew@newcastle-falcons.co.uk
[2]: http://www.streetgames.org