Falcons Pre-Season Heads To The Sea
Players and coaches from Newcastle Falcons spent an afternoon by the sea on Friday as part of the squad’s pre-season schedule.
But there wasn’t an ice cream in sight for the Falcons, as players faced what is renowned as one of the most gruelling days of the club’s training calendar.
With tackling drills and skills practice on the unforgiving sand, uphill races the height of the dunes and a set of steps that would make even the hardiest mountain climber shudder, the Falcons’ strength, speed, stamina and overall fitness was put to the test time and time again over the course of the afternoon.
We caught up with Alex Tait, now a veteran of the Tynemouth training day, and Strength and Conditioning Coach Peter Sim to find out more about the day, and about the Falcons’ 2015-16 pre-season in general.
[Click here][1] for their thoughts.
[1]: http://youtu.be/4kGnOH3W19k