Grab your piece of Falcons history
The first is a Mike McCarthy match shirt from seasons 2004-5 and 2005-6, signed by the Falcons squad of that era. Signatures include the likes of Matthew Burke, Mathew Tait and Toby Flood.
To view this item or to place your bid, please [**click here**.][1]
The second item is a signed commemorative T-shirt from the club’s victorious 2004 Powergen Cup final. The white cotton T-shirt is signed by the playing squad from the Twickenham triumph.
To view this item or to place your bid, please [**click here**.][2]
[1]: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Signed-Match-Shirt-04-05-and-05-06-Toby-Flood-Matt-Burke-Matt-Tait/272668338831
[2]: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Powergen-Cup-Final-Winners-Signed-T-shirt-2003-2004/272668354067