Newcastle Falcons Job Opportunities Available
Newcastle Rugby and the Falcons Community Foundation are currently looking to recruit part-time staff and volunteers for match days, evenings and weekend work.
The club are looking for Ticket Office and Shop staff as well as Student Ticket Representatives, Bar Staff, Foundation Lottery Sellers and Match day Festival Volunteers.
Anyone looking for more information on these roles is welcome to attend an open day at 2pm on Saturday 23rd January at Kingston Park Stadium, which will involve a brief presentation describing each of the roles and the chance to ask questions and find out more information.
The open day will take place ahead of Newcastle Falcons’ European Rugby Challenge Cup game against Brive, to which all open day attendees will receive a free ticket.
If you are interested in coming along to the open day on 23rd January please email Andrew Matson by 5pm on 18th January – andrew.matson@newcastle-falcons.co.uk