VIDEO: Hogan & Welch on 2019 finals award
Following the announcement that Newcastle Upon Tyne will be the host city for the 2019 European Rugby Champions Cup, Challenge Cup and Continental Shield finals, Falcons TV got the thoughts of club captain Will Welch and managing director Mick Hogan on rugby’s top club matches coming to town.
Hogan, who has been working alongside Newcastle City Council, NewcastleGateshead Initiative and Newcastle United on the bid described the announcemt as “Huge news for rugby in the north, the Falcons and the city.”
He added: “It is the culmination of a lot of work that has been put in by the club, Newcastle United, NGI and the city council and to land what is one of the events in the world rugby calendar is tremendous news.
“There is a lot of excitement and there is a lot of planning to go on. We’d expect to have tickets on sales either later this year or early in 2018 although we are already taking a lot of expressions of interest from fans who want to be part of the weekend.”
Fans can register their interest by **[clicking here][1]**
For Welch, the idea of showpiece rugby fixtures once again descending on the city and igniting excitement in the famously sports focused city is one he is eagerly looking forward to.
The skipper said: “I think it’s going to be massively exciting. It’s a big sporting city full of big sports fans and I think whatever team makes the final, the atmosphere is going to be amazing.
“The turnout [for the World Cup games] was awesome, they pretty much packed the stadium out for all the games and I think that’s the biggest thing with this city, everyone loves their sport whether its football, rugby or basketball.
If you have big events like that in the city, people are going to turn up and watch and make it exciting.”
To hear more, **[click here][2]** to head to Falcons TV, the official YouTube channel of Newcastle Falcons.
[1]: https://www.eticketing.co.uk/newcastle-falcons/details/event.aspx?itemref=3098
[2]: https://youtu.be/WruUWeB3urg