Watch our online fans’ forum
Chairman Semore Kurdi, director of rugby Dean Richards and executive director Mick Hogan took part in the event, with match-day PA announcer Justin Lockwood as host.
Supporters had the opportunity to submit questions either in advance or on the night, with the panel spending more than an hour and a half tackling a wide variety of issues.
Topics included Premiership ringfencing, squad recruitment, injury updates, stadium development plans, TV deals, how the pandemic has changed rugby, club finances, academy, how the game will develop, the community foundation and much more beyond.
Hogan said: “We normally hold these forums in our 1877 Bar a couple of times a year, and they are always great events with a lot of insight and good humour shared both ways between the club and our supporters.
“This year is obviously a lot different with the restrictions meaning we had to take the event online, but our supporters and the panel really bought into it and made it a successful and enjoyable discussion.
“It’s important that we continue to make the top people at the club available and accountable to our supporters, and I hope everyone would agree we did our best to answer every question that was asked of us on the night.
“I would also like to thank our partners Ward Hadaway for supporting the event, and our host Justin Lockwood for trying to keep us all in some sort of order!”
[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdwbZqanEuY