Aviva Tackling Numbers programme continues
Falcons Community Foundation coaches are helping develop numeracy skills during the current school term via the Aviva Tackling Numbers programme.
St Charles, Gosforth Park, South Gosforth, St Stephens, Milecastle Primary, Throckley Primary, St Cutherberts, Knoplaw Primary, Whitehouse, St Paul’s Primary, Oakdene Primary, Bewley Primary and Pentland Primary schools are all taking part in five weeks that use an engaging rugby-themed numeracy programme that makes learning about numbers fun, exciting and rewarding.
The innovative programme is aimed at improving numeracy levels amongst more than 38,880 children across England, and over a three-year period. The programme is currently being delivered in 720 primary schools by all 12 Premiership Rugby clubs.
As well as delivering maths in a fun and engaging way, the programme is aimed at preparing young people for their future, where basic financial skills are a necessity.
Over the course of the programme to date, Aviva Tackling Numbers has had a positive impact on children’s’ uptake and enjoyment of PE and their understanding of the importance of numeracy in everyday life.
The Foundation coaches undertake the delivery of a five-week programme of numeracy using all things rugby to help increase children’s understanding of and confidence in number skills.
They have also ran practical and theory courses for teachers to learn the basics of tag rugby, to help kids learn in an exciting and innovative way, while a parents’ assembly and homework club will show how the programme helps children learn and encourage home support.
The course is completed at the end of the five weeks with a rugby festival for all of the schools to attend and enjoy.
Newcastle Falcons will continue to deliver this programme after Christmas, following a very successful September/ October term.
You can put your maths to the test and find out more about the Aviva Tackling Numbers programme by visiting www.aviva.co.uk/tacklingnumbers