Supporters Club AGM Details Released
Newcastle Falcons Supporters Club will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Thursday 11th June at 7pm in the Ground Floor Sports Bar in the East Stand at Kingston Park.
The Supporters Club works closely with Newcastle Falcons and organises travel to away games, as well as events throughout the year, they are hopeful that growing crowds at Kingston Park Stadium will see more followers of the Falcons taking part in such events and travel next season.
Talk in events with players, coaches and officials have always proved popular and more will be planned for next season. These are great opportunities to get to know the players and coaching staff who are always happy to make time to have a chat and a laugh with supporters.
The Supporters Club has also continued its long tradition of sponsoring players, especially new players who come through the Academy. One such player who is now a firm favourite is Mark Wilson, and this season Tom Penny has been the player of the future being backed by the Supporters Club; Richard Mayhew is also sponsored by the
Supporters Club, as was his brother Michael previously.
The AGM is an opportunity to review the year from the point of view of the Supporters Club. There will be a brief formal meeting to conclude the business of the year, then a chance to enjoy a drink and spend some time with fellow supporters. If you wish to attend please send a quick email to Julia@cedrec.com which will help to plan for numbers attending.
The meeting also provides the opportunity for new people to join the committee that makes it all happen. If you would like to get involved send a brief summary of who you are & why you are passionate about supporting the Falcons to Julia@cedrec.com before 4th June and you could help shape up support for the next season. It only has to involve a few hours every couple of weeks, and can be as much or as little as you can make it. The important thing is to jump in and get involved.
The AGM is on Thursday 11th June at 7pm in the Supporters Club Bar, downstairs in the East Stand at Kingston Park. All supporters are welcome, and if you are not already a member of the Supporters Club, you can and join on the night which will cover you for the 2015/16 season. There is a brief formal meeting to review the season, then a chance to mingle and enjoy a drink.
Falcons fans have the prospect of an exciting season ahead with the Rugby World Cup heading to Newcastle, and your input could help contribute to making that as enjoyable as possible for supporters, so all members are encouraged to attend the meeting and feel free to make suggestions about what would help fans get the most out of supporting Newcastle Falcons.