Aviva Tackling Numbers: Making maths fun for kids
Numbers matter.
Shockingly, research shows that 8.5 million British adults have the numeracy skills of a ten year old.
Maths isn’t just about long division, algebra and trigonometry; it’s about checking your change in the shop, making sure you can afford something, and balancing your budget. That’s why it’s so important for our kids to be comfortable with sums.
As a financial services company, Aviva knows how important it is to give children a good grounding in personal finance.
After the Tackling Numbers pilot, 77.4% of teachers thought that the children’s attitude to maths improved after taking part in the programme.
**Learning through rugby**
Making learning fun is a great way to help children absorb lessons that will stay with them and that’s where Newcastle Falcons can help. We’ll be rolling out Tackling Numbers, the rugby-themed, numeracy programme for eight to nine year olds funded by Aviva.
The course aims to make learning numbers fun using touch rugby to:
– Increase children’s understanding of number skills
– Boost their confidence in dealing with numbers
– Help them become physically fitter.
Falcons Community Coach Keith Robinson said: “As a former maths teacher, I know the difficulty you can have engaging kids in numeracy of any kind. Giving the information a rugby twist helps the kids change their mind set when approaching the lesson, and they absorb lots more of the key skills.”