Heart of Tyne members Complete 100-mile walk
Last week two members from Heart of Tyne, Stuart Jackson and David Brind, embarked on a 100-mile walk from Tweed to Tyne in support of The British Heart Foundation.
Over the four days they braced all elements, but that didn’t dampen their spirits.
Throughout different stages of the walk they were joined by friends and family showing their support and encouragement, and boosting their morale on rainy days.
On the final two days they were accompanied by Newcastle Rugby Foundation staff as well as Newcastle Falcons players, who helped support and assist them in their last few miles.
A big thank you to The Inn Collection Group at The Tynemouth Castle Inn for their generosity and hospitality, providing a place to rest and a great spread of food for all the walkers involved after all 100 miles were completed.
Stuart from Heart of Tyne said: “Tweed2Tyne 2024 was a fantastic experience as we enjoyed almost four days walking the Northumberland Coastline from Berwick to Tynemouth.
“The purpose of the walk was to promote heart health and the work of the British Heart Foundation and to encourage others to start their journey to a healthier lifestyle.
“The feedback Dave and I have received has been fantastic, with some inspirational stories being shared.
“We cannot thank everyone enough for their financial support, as we have passed £5,500 in donations so far.
“Special thanks must go to Newcastle Falcons, Newcastle Rugby Foundation and The Inn Collection Group for their tremendous support in making this event possible!”
There is still time to donate to an amazing cause, please click here to show your support.
PHOTO CAPTION: Stuart Jackson and David Brind with Newcastle Falcons players Marcus Tiffen (left) and Sam Clark (right).