Movember reaches halfway

Friday 14 November 2014 Written by: Adam

With Movember now half over, visitors to Kingston Park of late may have noticed members of the playing squad looking slightly more hirsute than usual.

Mustaches of various shapes, colours and sizes are already adorning the faces of many a Falcon, and it’s a trend that’s set to grow, with over two more weeks of Movember still to come.

Captain Rob Hawkins has been leading a valiant band of Mo Bros within the club as the team join with men across the world in a bid to raise vital funds and awareness of men’s health issues.

And it’s not just players who have been getting involved with the Falcons Movember team; 11 members of the 19 strong official band of Mo Bros are fans getting involved and helping to raise funds for this all important cause.

If you’re already involved with Movember but are currently standing alone and looking for some fan-tash-tic support, then why not ally yourself with the Falcons Movember team [here][1].

For those who aren’t aren’t able to grow a mo, or don’t feel they can carry off this most manly of looks, why not head over to the club’s Movember page and make a donation to one or more of our team members.

All of your support not only goes to help this fantastic cause, supporting men’s health projects throughout the world, but also helps the Falcons creep up the Aviva Premiership Movember league table!

For more information or to sponsor the team click [here][2].
