Welcome break for Welch

Thursday 19 March 2015 Written by: Adam

Newcastle Falcons skipper Will Welch says his team are refreshed and recharged to tackle the closing stages of the season, after the squad returned to training after a week’s rest and recuperation.

With the knock out stages of the LV= Cup taking place over the last two weekends, the club have used the opportunity to allow the squad a break from the daily routine, which Welch says has been received well by the squad.

“I think all of the boys were grateful for some time to rest after a run of tough games and take the chance to rest up and get over some knocks and niggles that have been being nursed. Some of the lads have went away and got a bit of sun in Dubai, some have been away to see family and I just stayed around home.”

“In hindsight it would have been good to get away, but the break from routine is good enough.”

Now back into preparations ahead of the Aviva Premiership trip away to London Irish, Welch is confident the break has had the desired effect.

“Everyone has come back refreshed and there has been a lot of energy in the training sessions this week which bodes well for the upcoming games.”

“Being given a rest as we’re coming towards the end of what’s been a physical season has just allowed us all a bit of variety away from the daily routine and a chance to refresh our mindset, with the lads chomping at the bit now for the remaining games.”

Returning to action in the week that director of Rugby Dean Richards announced a new three year deal with the club, it was news that Welch welcomed as the club looks to continue to build on a season of progress.

Welch said; “It’s good news the he’s staying. Dean has a very clear vision of where we are going and it will be good have some continuity going forward for next season.”

“We’ve come on leaps and bounds in terms of the performances and the style of rugby that we’re playing and now it’s about trying to add some more wins to our tally for this season and building for next so that we can take points from performances consistently.”